probably a handful of things that are left that we could try, short of getting rid of that separated bikeway, and enforcing bicyclists to get back into mixed flow. we have in our c.i.p. money, now, for the first time, for spot improvements, a dedicated stream that will come from prop "k" and other places, to deal with our tric trickiest places. >> we talked about a number of things through the years, and it is disappointing it is still such a high number. >> what we see out there in terms of raw numbers isn't telling us the full story. the near misses and the conflicts, and the road rage that results from that location is extremely challenging for us. our oakenfeld project -- you'll see it next month, and it does focus on those three blocks, going in each direction. but we also note we're on track to already have over a million bicyclists ride past that spot this year. which beats where we were last year. so we know that bicycling is extremely popular and growing. and short of closing one of those driveways, into the gas station, which is difficult, we have to just keep trying different thin