individual bilingualeducation. org. kerny street workshops began as a community teaching space inside the international hotel. after the evictions they relocated but kept their name and community spirit. during the 80's and 90's ksw curated the american jazz festiv festiv festival. it's gallery feature artists and host of the annual ground breaking festival. they remain within the community. kerny street is still home with people can express what it means to be asian american. >> we are celebrating or 35th anniversary. in august we were founded in 1972. there are 3 founders. there was not a lot of original art work coming out of china town they wanted to provide incentives for development and create expressions they opened in in the international hotel in manila town and the first the programming was a lot of workshop and silk screening and sewing, music and visual arts and different kinds of performance. in the 70's ksw was involved in the actions going to the actions and when they were being evicted from the hotel the