let us ask amusement park safety expert bill avery.viewers go into the elevator and sees the form it gets inspected every couple of months, every quarter, every year and yet these rides, 80, 90-mile-an-hour rides aren't being inspected in a lot of cases by anybody outside the parks themselves. is that wrong? >> you're partially correct. some of the ones that do self-inspecti self-inspections also do third-party contract inspections to have an outside set of eyes to take a look at their operation. >> okay. but are they -- they are paid and hired by the park? >> reporter: yeah, they would be. >> so they are agents -- i'm talking about an agency that would be state, local, federal government, just once in a while coming in, third-party eyes, not getting paid by the park, to eyeball these rides. >> that's true. that doesn't happen in every state in this country that way. >> do you think there's a problem out there it the amusement park world or is this a one-off issue, an unfortunate and terrible tragedy? >> well, you know, my personal opi