william said it's the same logic that will lead we hasio to bill bradden. some proven racism ca racist cal still? and michael i want to go to you, the question is who is watching the watchman? the nypk an independent army 9 will be the seventh largest army in the world. do you agree with that. >> the police department is controlled by the mayor and the city council. they are the watchers. the independent monitoring, the ig that the new york city couple cannot supervisor the police department. they don't have the expertise to do that. for years it's the same argument. the civilian complaint review board overseeing police officers. that's all this really is. it's the same campaign for the last 50 years to create a civilian complaint board to review complaints about police officers. there are several bad apples in the police department. there are those who have sent people away who are innocent. that should not paint the officers who are doing the right thing for their neighborhoods. you talk to my constituents. many would suspend the bill of rights. that's an