shari'a law is such a threat to the state they want to ban it altogether tennessee state senator bill catron thinks that sure real law quote continues to blag the united states in general and tennessee in particular now personally i was unaware that there was a rash of sharia law cases in the volunteers state but this lawmaker sure does seem to think so but here's the best part of catron senate bill ten twenty eight it says and here it's to the illegal political military doctrine of shari'a law is treasonous and a felony punishable by fifteen years in jail treason and fifteen years in jail can you just seize above a police officer in tennessee charging the muslim with this new law because they just don't like those people down south now the backers says that would not apply to anyone who practices peaceful islam but the law would require the state attorney general to investigation riya compliant groups again please somebody point me out just one single example of how shari'a law is plaguing the united states right now i'm i'm genuinely curious just give me one but it should be pointed out th