clarence thomas. nutshell, the democrats used the fact that he allegedly -- anita hill. they changed the statue of limitations from seven to 10 years, which is where billgot caught up 10 years later. because the democrats, we were fighting for women in the workplace. it becomes his personal business. thank you for taking my comment. host: trudy from chicago illinois. caller: your previous guest put heroin up there with alcohol and marijuana. no one has died from marijuana. will rob you,in kill you, they will break into places. it is not the same as marijuana. also, there have been several reports of these doctors getting kickbacks for putting these people on these opiate drugs. people the trust and their doctors get these medications. host: mike is from san antonio on the independent line. i have had cancer for the last few years and have been taking morphine sulfate. all it does is help my pain. oxycodone is 10 milligrams of 325 milligrams of tylenol. it builds up after years of consumption and causes numerous deaths. that is my comment. senator rand paul, the republican from kentucky, you can watch the program tomorrow. turned the conversation to the