and they gave me 10 different attempts to finding hedge funds and the one i like best is from bill donaldson, is he good enough. the term hedge fund is undefined and he goes on. there is no term that defines hedge funds making hedge funds an allocation, in and of itself and i strongly support commissioner driscoll's strategy that each should be looked at carefully and we hope over the next 2 months that you as board members do demand an objective process that look at the down side as well as the upside. as board members you are being asked to make a prudent decision. which means you need to weigh and balance the pros and the cons. that's all we've been asking for. we have been strong supporters of infrastructure investments which gives lower risk and good returns. we have been supportive of the things i have asked today and i'm heartened by the things that provide better stable hedges against wall street than those on wall street who hedge on wall street. that's what most hedge funds are. again, we are heartened by the proposal for 2 months and really ask that you be honest with the designat