the ground breaking ceremony for the edward kennedy institute, and former senate majority leader, bill frist portrait is revealed in the capitol. >> the george poke awards and the night before the annual awards ceremony in new york, some of the winners gather for a seminar. this year, four investigative journalists discuss lifting the vail of secret ri on sensitive subject. we'll also hear from ac thompson and a "washington post" reporter, dana priest. this is an hour and a half. >> i would like to introduce to you first and again to be acknowledged sydney, our curator, and the current curator of the poke awards, john darnton. >> thank you very much, dr. steinberg. i'd like to welcome you all here to this event. as you know, the george poke seminar is a one time of year when we get to wrestle with some of the major issues about journalism and to discuss them with some of our winners. i would like to say first of all, i'd like to acknowledge the center for communication which is the cosponsor of this event, and it's exec -- its executive director katharine williams. our theme this year is pen