and a court deputy walks up behind bill garderen, the prosecutor, not the defendant. >> the judge didthe entire case against charlie tan. a judicial ruling that meant that the case couldn't be re-prosecuted or retried. >> it was a big win for charlie tan. he was ecstatic. >> outside the courtroom, the media was waiting for charlie, the former defendant who hadn't yet spoken to reporters. >> now you'll talk to us, right? >> and before we got a chance to talk to him, his defense lawyer ushered him out down the hallway. >> what did you think? >> i'm not sure i took it all in at first. >> that this is over. >> it was super exciting. everyone was so happy. everyone was in tears. >> not quite everyone. assistant d.a. bill gargen was fuming. >> were you willing to get arrested over this. >> i was more than willing to have handcuffs placed on me to argue my point. i didn't cross any lines. >> what recourse do you have? >> there's no appeal. >> there is no appeal from this trial order of dismissal, because there has not been a verdict by the jury. >> the event didn't happen of. >> correct. >>