we wanted to speak with bill holbert, so we reached out to his attorney. awyer, with "wild bill" on the phone, calling from his jail cell in panama. he had already confessed but wanted to explain himself. >> i am not denying criminal activity and i am only saying that what's been portrayed in the media of this crazy serial killer thing is not true. i am not a serial killer. i have never taken pleasure in harming a human being. and the things i am done haunt me like you wouldn't believe. >> you also have to realize that these families are incensed, their family say that you had parties at their homes. how can you possibly defend that action. >> defend my actions? i'm a bad guy. i'm your worst nightmare. but i'm also saying is that i didn't wake up one morning and decide to kill my neighbors. >> shortly after our call, a very different looking bill holbert gave an interview to a local panamanian tv station, his wild blond hair replaced with a buzz cut. >> i did it, i'm going to be punished for it. >> in cold and chilling detail, he recounts how he murdered th