bill hybels offers them a benign christian orthodoxy mixed with a kind of positive thinking. it's okay to be wealthy, it's good to be wealthy these are the rewards of life. now if we are in the improvised section of chicago, we're not going to find that focus in the doctrinal dimension. economics would have one believe that, well things aren't so good now but let's think about being saved, so in the next life everything will be okay. once again the relationship between the doctrinal and the social dimension. but why don't we go inside this beautiful building and find out what the folks are doing. >> good evening and welcome to willow creek, we're glad that you can join us tonight as we are starting a new series called "fit to be tied." we're going to be talking about marriage and dating and how this things affect our lives. over the next several weeks were going to have plenty of romance, high adventure, good biblical preaching coming our way and where else could you find a combination like that other than here at willow creek. so stand with me, if you would, and sing the son