tom: arrington herzfeld, brilliant with a -- bill janeway was scheduled with us. arburg pincus. we will spend the entire hour talking about his cambridge university. janeway, with warburg pincus. but what you do not know is that he knows what methylethyl ketone is. bill janeway, ages ago, did everything he does with chemical transactions. gunpowder, dupont dow, methylethyl ketone, and you drive by the refineries and you would smell than in whatever state you were in. it was another time. bill: dupont was research. tom: the miracle of science. bill: it was deep research and advanced materials. one company was founded by a .reat man in world war ii in the 1930's he created the first mutual fund since the crash of 1929 called chemical fun because he was investing in science. 30 years later dupont was not quite doing so great. companies chemical had come in all the commodities end of the business, and there was a delegation of chemical fun to wilmington who said that dupont should boost the stock by moving around with their great balance sheet, and the answer came back