professor chi saeed has come out in front narron ahead of imprisoned movie i'm not making that bill karai countered it reached a 50 percent threshold needed for an outright victory which means there has to be a vote coming up how pays between ethiopia and eritrea has led to an uncertain future for people living along the border that story in my ethiopia coming up next. a troop of chinese scientists in bartlett. searching for a reason. for abuse charges under water. demand. yeah nato you. know most of a n.a.o. can. be the k.k.k. me. over so. i took that. to my sig i guess again. finally. you know with my battle man to help you. yeah i don't know yelena better both you know what it was to nearly know they took i was the one 0 yeah you know his very both i know he had good swim in it and what are we in one corner you were debating on he went to medical on it. we're doing it in the macallan mines and. the land. yeah yeah. yeah modest little boat yellow no doing lemme not a man. but what i'd said. that to know my limits said thank you both and oh yeah yeah. you know. the guy said to get legged