bill keller has said that the times practices the journalism of fair indication that i would say that it practices the journalism of values projection. and that buys, there's no other word for it, has created a journalism at odds with its historic commission of rendering the news impartially without fear of fever. it's also greater journalism at odds with the liberal democratic fight is its long stood for. so even if you do support a more partisan times, and there are those who do believe news organizations should take up ideological codgers like they did in europe, britain in particular, but even if you do support a more partisan times and those self identified ideologically committed journalists in the room might do so, i think they're still cause for concern because the law of unintended consequences the liberal values, these ideologically committed progressives generally stand for, are often very ill served by the very paper that embodies them were said to have embodies them most ardently. john dewey, a great professor, educator, professor and philosopher, is credited with definin