bill keown flying is intimidating anyway... and to be doing it in a wheel chair where i can not wa can't even move my legs, it was a major intimidation. bill keown once was a frequent flier... since his accident he's accumulating more questions than miles. bill keown what do i do with my wheel chair, i know i can't go all the way to the gate with it, at some point i'm going to have to get put into a push wheel chair he mentioned his concerns to his wake-med rehab nurse, who sent word up her chain of command... nats classroom a new class at raleigh durham international airport on airport navigation for people in wheel chairs. maneuverability nearly a dozen travelers with limited mobility attended the workshop.... winston may was one of the first to get here. winston may i have to watch i don't run on somebody's heels. i have to take my time, i just don't need to be in a rush... may has found arriving early helps. winston may you know you can't go through the metal detector, so they have to wand you i guess. for keown , hi