. >>> and comedian bill mahre matches his political sympathies with 1 million bucks. we'll tell you who gets the we'll tell you who gets the money. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com >>> we begin first with the increasingly shrill politics of what you're paying at the gas pump. in today's case it's 3 cents a gal more than yesterday. aaa says the national average is just under $3.65 a gal, 12 cents higher than it was at the beginning of the week. this is the 18th straight day gas prices are up. the political blame game moved into high gear during this week's cnn presidential debate when newt gingrich said he had a plan to get gas prices back to 2.50 a gallon, a notion president obama ridiculed during a stop in florida. >> only in politics do people root for bad news. do they greet bad news so enthusiastically. you pay more, they're licking their chops. and you can bet that since it's an election year they're already dusting off their three-point plan for $2 gas. >> and today in washington state, gingrich called the president's speech on gas prices "nonsense." >> the