the nation hundreds are taking time to honor mother nature this earth week activist and author bill mckibben joins me as he shares his mission plus the g.o.p. has passed another one of paul ryan's budget plans this one targets snap the supplemental nutrition assistance program also known as food stamps help break down his bizarre plan and just where the idea of cutting include assistance to the poor comes from here's a hint the movie was just released about and finally ideally take tonight on lolita on the a spot of the world that's currently occupied by our nation. the united states of america. today kicks off earth week and it comes on the heels of a violent warning from mother nature over the weekend forty five people were killed in six states in the norm a storm that ripped across the country causing widespread damage and wildfires are right now sweeping across texas and new mexico threatening to turn housing communities in a massive piles of ash coming off a winter filled with unusually damaging storms and much more apocalyptic weather do we need to go through before climate change is a