to put the issue up for debate with political commentator chadwick moore and technology expert bill meehan course everyone is for stopping child abuse and that's not the issue here it's the i simply i'm not buying it at the company i don't believe that apple really cares about fighting crime they just entered the live streaming business where people may be concerned that apple is rifling through all of the photos and all of that data this isn't actually the case the type of technology that we're looking at here simply is used to take a fingerprint of a particular image once an image is known to include some child abuse imagery apple is not clear about that apple says illegal pot possible potentially illegal activity including child porn what does that mean that's terrifying language you wouldn't simply have the processing power and the computing overhead to be able to . scan full photos against each other in the kind of way that people imagine this is possibly the best use of the current available technology you know to crack down the posting of a serious child abuse images i'd love to kno