>> phoenix agent bill newell authorized the operation.ng guns south would expose the gun trafficking network. from the gunmen and money men in mexico to the smugglers, transporters and straw buyerings. >> they purchased over a thousand firearms. some of the purse were procuring them at 10 to 20 at a time. at the same time approximately 200 firearms in the investigation were recovered in the united states and mexico. i could not believe that someone in atf would so callously let firms wind up in the hands of criminals. >> in the u.s. guns have shown up in arizona and texas. mexico they have been found at crime scenes from tijuana to acapulco. >> how many people were killed or injured here in mexico as a result of fast and furious? hundreds, officials say, but the exact number is not known. why? because when mexico attempted to trace the guns, the u.s. said the information did not exist when in fact if did. which is why many feel betrayed. >> i obviously feel violated. i feel my country's sovereignty was violated. >> he heads mexico's judic