wildstein testified that he told bill stepien all about the plan for ft. lee and the bridge and why they were doing it and even he told him about the whole traffic study cover story. he says he told stepien about it all in advance. christie cut ties with bill stepien when the scandal broke open. bill stepien's doing great now. he was appointed white house political director for president trump. he's now moved on to become a senior figure in the trump re-election campaign. matt mowers, the guy who repeatedly pursued the ft. lee mayor's endorsement until the mayor didn't bite and then he had to be punished, matt mowers ended up at the trump state department. he's now starting a consulting company and also plans to be working on the president's re-election effort. ex-governor chris christie, well, you know, he's floating around out there. doing okay. that said, this scandal has stuck to him a little bit like a little tp on the shoe heel. but bridget kelly, she got sentenced yesterday. she's now about to report to federal prison unless the president, himself, o