and bill stepien says that.didn't perform in the exurban areas, is presented to the president. he's jettisoned. and he describes this as team normal vs. team crazy. it's team crazy that rushes in and is telling the president oh, there's evidence of fraud and we have to look into this. and it's at that point that it looks like these reports were commissioned, let's get the berkeley research group or let's get simpatico systems in to look at it. according to the "post's" reporting they did that and just like bill barr, just like bill stepien, just like everyone who to this day in 2023 has looked at these claims, found that they are meritless. that was conveyed to the president. that's why it's important to jack smith. >> is it possible that jack smith is as far along -- or farther along than we know from the outside in revealing trump's intent in the coup plot? as he is in the mar-a-lago. >> it's hard to say. in a case like this you want to leave no stone untender. you want to go to every possible source of inform