with me as indicated by monica in introducing the subject, bill zeller is with me on our staff who manages the vehicle parts of hacto and also liam [speaker not understood] is with me in the audience with me. she work on the transit first parts of the ordinance. and i'll explain more about that as we go through. first, just generally, what hacto is and it's an acronym that not many people were familiar with, frankly until fairly recently. the healthy air and clean transportation ordinance, is what the acronym stands for, it and similarly named but little bit differently named versions of the ordinance have been in effect since the early 1990s and it has long been the main -- the platform, the policy tool by which the city has worked on bringing its fleet of vehicles. in 2010 there were some significant amendments to it and it took on its current name of hacto. primarily some of the bigger changes was it did add a component about transit first and also the whole concept of fleet reduction. i'll mention a bit more about that in a minute. one important thing to realize about hacto is that the