before flew out of the top hundred of the world rankings, became the fifteenth racket of the world, billindae meeting turned out to be stubborn the girl spent 2 hours and 19 minutes on the court and three seth sosnovich played. she won the first game 6.3, but lost the second game with a mirror score, but decisively. third setia. the belarusian was stronger than 6.2. sosnovich's opponent in the 1/8 finals will be emma navara in the world ranking. she is in 61st position and at the end of august alexandra is an american. already beat evgeniy korolek continues to hold the green jersey based on the results of six stages, killed the stage races of the friendship of peoples of the north caucasus , belarus is still the most active. there, in general, you are better ranked among ours , evgeniy sobol, who is in sixth position and behind the owner, the yellow jersey , and the russian. nikita shulchenko for 4 minutes 10 seconds, another belarusian vladislav yarosh is in the lead in the standings of the youngest riders. he also became the winner of the sixth stage , 136 km long. among the juniors, these