over the o billiona administration's 8 -- climate assessment. it made me so angry i have printed it five times. now originally i dismissed it as just a last stop on obama's apology tour. come on. then i read the report. it was terrifying, it left a carbon footprint on my-- jim? >> hundreds of scientist experts in businesses not for profit, local communities, all contributed over the course of four years what they found was unequivocally that climate change is not some far off problem in the future. it's happening now. >> the white house issuing a dire report on climate change suggesting the extreme weather events we are seeing across the country are man-made. >> a new study says that climate change is going felt today in all 50 states. >> the northeast is going to see more heat waves. >> the midwest would suffer more drought followed by flash flooding. >> hurricanes in the southeast and wildfires out west. >> no region of the country will be spared. >> no region spared. the entire country will become on uninhabitable wasteland not just baltimore