to that fever for years sniffing out deadly disease for the wise no smell detection association in billund as coded 19 began to spread q.c. was asked as an experiment to try to detect it took it but 7 minutes to figure out that this is what they want it to look for so that. you know dog be able to change training sense in 7 minutes. the team quickly learned canines can detect a coded $1000.00 infection even 5 days before symptoms appear with almost 100 percent accuracy helsinki airport is hosting a pilot project through december that will include cross referencing canine results with those for medical devices if you talk to the skin so here it just takes a simple swab from a restore neck here and there it is there yes in a great couple of seconds a dog can tell immediately if a person has contract it coronavirus and. the only receive the negative is one of the voluntary tests are proving popular but no positive signal yet from the finnish government about scaling up the program so since dogs are incredibly war effective much less expensive and far less intrusive than other ways of detectin