easter egg in the final episode of parks that not many people know about that the character that billy eichner plays is on a plane and a stewardess hands him champagne and if you freeze the frame and zoom in on the champagne you find out that general feel is making champagne in the future and that's what he said he somehow of a did pictures on the label it's his separate scene as well as a name. and. you know play my father in that show who you're going to love henry winkler really quick my dad the best solution isis peepers at oversea i met him he had heard that my back hurt so he gave me a back massage. and then i'm like i'm cheeky turnip wants to know. if you had to choose one for the rosia life acting or improv. it's so hard because they both kind of bleed into each other i can act and improvise the same time because of that luisa by the bay in the last week is or with your upcoming dating book what are your thoughts on script to go rom com i'd like to see something funny and true without the usual cliches you think you could work wonders why the second movie i ever sold with imagine which