like those bikini photos. -- but they weren't shot to tempt billy flynn. mehow the narrative escaped, or got created, that i took these pictures for bill flynn, gave them to him to seduce him. that's totally awful story. >> by the time pamela took the stand, there was a lot to dig out of. she had to testify in court that, yes, she had been a school district employee, who had slept with a student. >> did you expect that when he was over, you would have sex with him? >> yes. >> did you have sex with him when he came? >> yes. >> did you make love to him? >> then when i did i told him that i wanted to be with greg but i said, why didn't i just get a divorce. and i said, because i love. greg >> she said billy didn't want the relationship to end. >> he started crying and said, he couldn't live without me. >> how did that make you feel? >> i felt bad. i didn't want to hurt his feelings. i still wanted to be friends with him. he was still a nice person. >> and then, the prosecutor pressure about why she didn't admit the affair from the beginning. >> i did not want