billy hoffman attacked him with the clawhammer straight to the skull.e came inside and came didn't knock him out. he turned around and yelled and i panicked and i just shot. he went down and i didn't know. i was afraid the gunshot made too much noise, didn't use the pillow or anything and i didn't know what to do. so i hit him with the hammer again. then i left the house. >> then billy gathered his things, walked home and paged jennifer. the signal that it was done. after the page jennifer and amy split up. jennifer took pot to billy. amy asked sarah to go home with her. sarah who didn't know anything about the plan, who was used as an alibi stooge, was used as the fool who would find ricky. why did billy do it? >> it was just glamorous kind of picture in your mind, you know, to be that person and cruising with your friends and just at that time i think i pursued that. i wanted to be that guy. when people knew that, it was kind of like having a notch on my belt, you know. >> but in real life, of course, murder is not glamorous, not at all. that night bi