not go to law school but i do watch a lot of and a one - - adam sandler movies this happened to billy madison not an arsonist i should bring this argument to a court of law looking for an attorney feel free to reach out to me and i am not attracted to him. [laughter] . >> but we never know. >> i'm proud of myself that i am not that what is arson one thing that could be are those trick candles because that is nonconsensual fire. >> i don't think so because you are burning something of no value. >> it depends on who you talk t to. >> i didn't go to law school but the school of hard knocks but here is the thing that's missing the idea when you light the little bag on fire the person comes out to put it out. so if anybody is at fault is the dumb ass who says let me download what to do. [laughter] because the world we live in if you walk in the park they will call the police on you they called the police and the fire department so paint the scene there is a small bag of burning dog crap that the police officer and firefighter said we don't know how to handle it somebody put it out then the guy sai