what proof did the deputy give you to turn billy mcguire over to you? - billy mcguire killed a man. that makes him a murderer. - you put fairchild up on that hill, what does that make you? - we got no choice. and he's gonna die anyway. - most of us are. why fairchild? i saw an old woman at the general store. why don't you take her? her life's almost over. and when you finish with her, you could start on the lame to keep you people safe for a long time. - that ain't the same and you know it! - isn't it? when you start to evaluate human life to decide who can and who cannot survive, then there's no place to stop. - hey, now the rain stopped. now, we're wasting time! - gentlemen, so there won't be any misunderstanding about tomorrow morning, when i ride out of here, fairchild goes with me. privilege of taking fairchild out of here, but i will if it's necessary. i suggest you gentlemen adjust yourself to this. sit down on that sofa, make yourselves very comfortable i mean, there's something i have to know. you didn't kill nobody, did you? he did bring you up here for the money? - money?