lieutenant-governor billy nungessor joins you now on the phone.t-governor, thank you very much for joining us. we know this is a parish that juts out into the gulf of mexico. tell us what the situation there is. all right. we had hoped to have the lieutenant-governor on the phone. we'll continue to try to get him. and we'll turn now to our next segment, knowing that it is a critical time for president biden facing twin crises: exiting afghanistan and a massive hurricane here at home. all amid a mor covid surge. yamiche alcindor is joid by our politics monday duo. >> thank you, judy. they are amy walter, editor and chief of the political report, and tamara keith, a white house correspondent for n.p.r. thank you both for being here. america's longest war is finally over, and it is by a deadline that president biden set himself. what do you make of this historic moment, given there is some heartbreak about the people we left behind, but also a sense of accomplish. on the biden administration. >> i think that's a good way to phrase it, you have the su