. >> sherra's gardner, billy turner. r lawn man? was this the same guy? maybe. if so, this wasn't the only connection between sherra and billy. >> so, who did sherra ask to kill lorenzen? >> she asked billy. >> billy had a rap sheet, but in recent years, seemed to have gone straight. when he wasn't busy running his landscaping business, he was fulfilling his duties at the very same church where sherra preached. >> he was a deacon of this church. she was a pastor. how deeply they know each other? there's a lot of speculation. it appears they were intimate. >> billy and sherra, according to jimmy, met with them again, inside her house. this time, got down to specifics. >> and she asked me, could i be the shooter? and that, and i was like, no, i can't do nothing like that. >> at what point in here where you offered anything to do it? >> she said she could help me with my court case. if this happens, i get it insurance, money i got the nba money and i'll take care of y'all. she said, whoever does the shooting gets $50,000. >>