, i want to thank billy wilder and i want to thank billy wilder, thank you very much. [ applause ] >>l, that's our evening. good night, everybody. [ applause ] >> hotel accommodations provided by renaissance. discover 150 locations worldwide with renaissance, hotel provider to the academy awards. air transportation provided by united airlines. united airlines is proud to play the part of the official airline sponsor of the academy of motion picture arts and sciences. video projection provided in part by senovva. so who gets the award for the biggest morning after oscar party anywhere, live from hollywood? the envelope, please. "good morning america," tomorrow morning get all the inside oscar buzz, the star, the fashion, the parties and all the exclususive. see the whole picture, live from hollywood, tomorrow on a special "good morning america" on abc. all members of the academy who are eligible are invited to vote their nominations for the best film. in most other categories, the nominations are decided by a vote of the members working in that specific category. then the entire member