new form of film [ inaudible ] i do happy days, but i wanted to delve into that and it's about billy wildernge, and that's what it is about, and it's funny and -- >> sounds great. >> and it is well done and i got to direct it which was exciting for me. >> stephanie: it is described that they nearly killed each other in the process. >> they did not get along at all, and billy was volatile and yelling and screaming, and raymond was drinking quietly, so they had -- [ laughter ] >> i'm used to that conflict in a way. i did a show called odd couple but this is done in a much more [ inaudible ] way, and much more history of fill income -- film in hollywood. >> stephanie: it's like fox news but with humor. >> well, yes. >> stephanie: garry marshall you have some of the most hilarious stories from your film career julia roberts in pretty woman -- >> i remember her yes. nice kid. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: but that she did not eat enough and you fed her like a little kitty, and you fed her a can of tuna. >> no, young girls they are busy -- i actually carry cans of tuna on me and we ended up i fed he