of people rent apartments there, er, that is, they live in the head of sumy, they go to work in bilopylla, yes . well, they live in their own place permanently, so somewhere i would say the percentage is 40 in the city, probably still there is. the shelling of the russian federation leads to destruction according to the large amount of this waste, yes, because of the war, garbage, actually, how do you deal with this, very briefly, we continue, the volumes are very large, it is thousands of cubic meters, eh, we take out , uh, we take out, we take out the car, as you know no we are pragmatic people, we are the owners, we understand that, for example, if there is a lot of very good brick, it can be used for some other construction, conditional if it is, uh , the same construction waste, then we still work to get uh, this scumbag somewhere e-e mobile garbage shredder in order for us to have a lot of roads, we need to build roads, e-e, in the villages , we need to fill them somewhere, so we treat it economically. years, it is about vaccinations, it is a pity that you and i have not raised this