bily, smith, and nick hacheney.ons were like something out of "the exorcist" or something where these people are being prayed over and screamed at and were asking for the demons to be cast out of them. what kinds of things did people get asked about? they'd ask them if they'd had an affair, if they drank too much, if they went to a baseball game. i mean, whatever it was that was not considered correct. josh mankiewicz: and all of it was written down. gregg olsen: they were logged into a book and they watched it happen, and they became very fearful. and that kept people, i think, closer to the church because if you left the church, the gossip would follow. and you went along. yeah. because you wanted to belong? no, because we felt like that was the way to be pleasing to god. to be open, to be transparent was something that we were really required to be. we wanted to elevate ourselves. and if you had some demons, who wants those hanging on, you know? so the process was to clean ourselves to be a better person. and wha