never met a collection cape bimentdty, didn't like. so yes, we can use more. intelligence support to cyber which cuts across all the i.c. components. i think our, we do well, in assessing the threat. i think we're, more work needs to be done is in sharing with the private sector, and in more per vaisive sharing of threat data, with private sector companies, and private individuals. that's a work-in-progress. speaking of threats do you see isis as a enduring threat? >> well, isis, will be suppressed. but i think, for sometime to come it will have more extremists, organizations, which will be spawned and which we'll have to contend with. we're going to be in a state of is suppression for time to come. >> let's shift gears as we are closing here. war three things you will tell your successor as far as priorities for the intelligence community? >> i think the -- i think frame it around the what is outlined, in the prevention act which lay us out, what the dni is supposed to do. will primary and not the excompleusive. but the primary advis soar to intelligence and