in situations where he would be caught, and so when i wrote about him in 1988 called the road to biminyi traced this whole character formation and how he said put a tail on me, follow me, find out, and, of course, the miami herald got a tip and cornered him with donna rice. had he become president, that recklessness and then the need to get caught for the recklessness would have continued, and it would have been a really disastrous presidency, but now along comes a very fine "new york times" writer matt bae who rehashes the gary hart story and says character reporting has led us into gotcha reporting. no. gary hart's problem was not adultery. his problem was character. he couldn't get out of that pathology that he had been raised with, and we needed to know that. right after he was caught and found out, his presidential campaign torpedoed he was still lying and blaming the press at a big convention. he was standing there holier than thousand talking about let's head out press ruined his campaign. he is totally blameless. he walks out the back door and gets into a car with a "new york ti