you already testified, talked about it, to submit a written, very short, half a page, binge, binge, binge, heres are five things we can do to defend ourselves. that would be helpful. secondly, what we're seeing here, it seems to me, the is the invention and expansion and implementation of a new kind of warfare. it's the kind of warfare that is particularly effective against democracy. valley, the chief of the -- valerie, the chief of the general staff of russia, calls it weaponizing information. and said in 2013 that he believes this is -- we're engaged now in informational conflict. putin's defense budget is 1/8th 6 ours, but he is playing a weak hand very well. and has found a cheap way, when i say peculiarly effective against democracies because this is where public opinion matters. in many other countries, public opinion doesn't have that great a role in how policy is formed. a couple of short questions. i think ambassador burns, you just answered this. any doubt that r.t. is an arm of the russian government? no doubt. everybody agrees. secondly, i had heard in a previous hearing, dif