and there's a great appreciation for this tradition, started by bing crosby in the 40s. >> this is really for my dad. this is a tournament that he would have loved to have played in and he would say early on, he was a drummer for bing crosby and bing introduced my mom and my dad. so it was something we talked about. >> when you have tradition, we would have liked to thought those guys would have invited us, you know, clint was the guy they invited, brought in and clint has done a good job of trying to walk that tight rope of who gets to come here. >> this is my first year here. you know, my bribe check finally got to the right person. >> golf is not what these guys do for a living, but they make a shot every now and then. kevin costner winning a hole for himself and partner, darius rutger. ray coming oh so close with a chip. but it came down to this for the big money. michael bolton lined up for a $19,000 put. bolton stared down the icing by anthony anderson and won the money for his charity and that of playing partner, clay walker. [ applause ] >> every time you walk up to the ball, your