we are less than one month removed from the john bingle conservation and management act and the latest if not greatest conservation, a bill signed into law by pres. trump that funded the land and water conservation fund that added 2 million acres to public land. 92-8 by the way in the u.s. senate. so there are ways in which we can break through, but i think there's going to be a little bit about what we are doing now. but i am optimistic. we can get through this. if you look back in our history, vietnam and the civil rights movement going on, all of the protests and unrest political and otherwise is where we pass the bedrock of our environmental conservation laws. within that span from 64-70, we can walk and chew gum at the same time. there are ways to get this done for the country and i think we need to get back to the partisanship around this. we need to be vigilant, we need to be engaged but we need to understand that there is tremendous value. if there's anything that can bring us together it's the value of public land. >> we are pretty much out of time. i want to thank the audienc