i like good quality sources of protein, because it's bioavailable, easier to digest. >> like what? of added artificial sweeteners, so that's good for a quick recovery. the g-series from gatorade which has added protein, and a good classic whey protein. it's complete, with a full spectrum of amino acids, critical for good health and the building blks for building muscles. >> people with elimination diets, is that a good trend or bad trend? >> i think listening to your body. if you sense that something doesn't feel like, take a gluen or dairy, or something specific out of your diet, and then feeling if it made a difference in how you feel after the meal, checking in with yourself after of eat something is a great way to know. don't go cold turkey all the way. once again you may not be getting the nutrition you need. >> we have a few seconds left. the juices, another good smart trend? >> yes, smart trend, good healthy food. >> david jack, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> good to see you. >> great to see you guys. >>> more "fox & friends" in two minutes. this is why i don't run. ♪ my i