you attended the botanical garnd 75 lunch with key note speaker of [inaudible] who talked about bioderversity and as the planet heats up and struggle with water and resorbss biodiversity matters. it was one tof things we heard most loudly from the field staff. it is important the parks are well man cured and look pretty we have a very serious responsibility to manage the ekeology of our open space and biodiversity and focus on sustainable plants and creating cor doors where [inaudible] can thrive is important and you will see us continuing to focus on that work. part of our responsibility if we drive and push on diodiversity is? crease the literacy of the users and staff and help people understand why biodiversity is important. there are a sears of initiatives and measures designed to attack that. last but not least because this organization while the park system has great bones at the end of the day we are only as good as the people who work in our organization. we want to inspire our team. we want to continue to strengeen efficiency and support innovation. it is something we talk about a lo