so he decided to invest in a biogas unit. but it's more complicated than he uses plant waste as a feedstock material. at firstst it was just too hardo collect the 5 cubic meters of material he needed. he had to get manure from other farms. >> well, it would have taken like two weeks and a half to get all insidede. in some e cases i i would haved to use my bibicycle to get frm onone point to the next. and i had d to use a neigbours car to get the b bigger bulk o t to come up. >> his personal biogas plant is producing now,w, and he'd lilio fire up his large oven. but the small flames don't provide enough heat. that's why project leader dieter rothenberger has brought a technician along to have a look. >> good morning. good morning. >> so you have started drilling some of the holes? >> right, we actually have some of the holes there, yes. >> right now, thbibiogas onlyy comes through a few small holes thatat the farmer has bored himself. he h h to borrow the drill from a neneighbor. fofor small farmers like sherw, putting in a biogas plant doesn't come cheap. t