alzheimer's, be more skeptical than you'd be with a disease that's easier to treat this happened with biogen. so many drug companies have failed trying to fight alzheimer's that it's way too arrogant to bet that you're on the right path with any one company's research department. so here's the bottom line. kwhn you'when you're going to is a company with a potential cure for an intractable illness, make sure that company has multiple drugs away from it in the pipeline and a good balance sheet as well as a dividend to protect the downside second, if the drug doesn't initially work but it hasn't been written off, expect a bounce a better time to sell. third, don't buy the stock when there's still a ton of hoopla out there about the new drug wait until the fuss dies down to get a better price for the stock. finally, when you have a drug company up against a difficult disease that many others have failed to cure, please be more skeptical. there is a reason that others failed it's an incredibly difficult problem to solve the company you like might fail too. investing can be a challenge, but now yo