and physical syste recognize is a absolutely fundamental to our existence. >> biologicall diversity plays n important role in madison. plants were no further healing properties for thousands of years. , therly as 2600 b.c. mesopotamia's used oil from cedar and cypress trees and the opium poppy to treat alien -- to treat ailments. ancient chinese, tibetan and indian medicines all prescribed drugs that are mostly plant- based. >> if you are on the medication, particulararly for cancer or infectious disease, it's a good chance the medicines that are saving your life would not exist or not for nature. >> most of the medicines we take are made in laboratories today. , their designion and discovery has is directly relied v very heavily on molecules' we have discovered in plants, animals, and microorganisms. >> this includes drugs like stanton's which are widely used all over the world. insulin is a natural product. >> there is something that's used against herpes that comes from a marine sponge. there is also a cancer -- an anti-cancer agent that comes from sea squirts. >> the rosy periwi