. >> biomimicry at its best. we should be paying attention to make sugar tell us about day-glo jellies. >> this is another great story from the jellyfish that is maybe not so well known and that is that many jellyfish bioluminescence and jellyfish lived all over. they don't just live in the service or and coastlines but in the threat the ocean and in the deep waters bioluminescence is one of the major problem with the major way of communication. the animals make little screens holler coming me, check me out and let go away. bioluminescence, or i'm getting eaten come help me, they make these bioluminescence calls that have the server meanings. jellyfish are very good at this. in 70s there trying to understand what makes bioluminescence happens and this one scientist was working on that question in jellyfish in puget sound, and yeah, interestingly he actually, he was about a few miles away from nagasaki when it was, bombed with the atomic bomb so he hera very interesting life story. anyway, he was able to purify th