think tanks on capitol hill and stocked them with these forn to be acco scientists that we call biostitutesand slick pr flacks and voodoo committees and this men age reof kind of sociopatag. >> sorry i can't paths? >> sorry i don't paths who are putting though their own interests, their own financial interests against the lives and health of the society as a whole, people who are essentially anti-social. >> does that apply to everybody who works in the coal and oil you didn't that they are all bad people? they are all sociopaths? >> no. of course not. most people who work in the coal industry, for example, coal miners, there is about 80,000 coal miners left in america and most of those people are living in communities where they are desperate for jobs. and this is what they are trained for and this is the work that they are doing. and depending upon what kind of coal mining -- it can be high-paying work, or it can be very low-paying and dangerous work. those are not bad people. i am talking about -- i am talking about the -- about the people who run these oil companies, particularly people