over the last 2 years we reduce thd city birden so that includes reduction of pco and police officerff and increased outreach and taken over logisticsism we increased collaboration with department of environment, mta, ta and dph. we request 210 thousand dollars in the budget to support the program staff. that is logistic outreach and volunteer staff, a portion of their salaries and that allows us to continue to produce 8 to 10 events throughout the city to build our programming and outreach for programs like shared school yards and play streets and to build towards more and better sunday streets in the future so i thank you for your time and thank you for your support. >> thanks very much, next speaker please >> hello, my name is gretchen aims and here because it is important for me you guise understand how difficult it is for early childhood educators now. in the city the [inaudible] work force is drowning. the realty is, i love working with children and i can't afford to in this city. last year and spent the work work in a high need area and i love the children i worked with but i