-sam: biren & company? -lemonis: i'm the company. -sam: biren & co. i love it. mark: i like it.i really, really freaking love that. lemonis: so here's the deal. i want you to finish these designs. mark: all right. lemonis: i feel like you're missing one scent. something that's a little more masculine citrusy, and then you got to get ahold of arvin from modern candle and get boxes printed. i will tell you that if you do not work with arvin and do what you say you're gonna do, i can't do business with you. clear? -sam: deal. -mark: yeah. lemonis: i always knew that i wanted mark and sam's company to be more than a candle company. i wanted it to be a design and scent company. today, they're gonna find out why. i'm taking them to market ready in chicago. -okay. -mark: oh, wow. this looks interesting. lemonis: the kitting that i'm looking for could be a self-contained kit or a kit that people can buy individual pieces and create -their own collection. -korie: okay. lemonis: think about the last time you went a home goods store and you bought a candle. around that candle was a variety